Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Story of Natasha

Grace Liu
University of California Berkeley

Hello, world! (Sorry, I never had a blog and that is the way I always wanted to start one, so deal with it.) In this entry I am going to present the story of Natasha, my alter ego and beezy persona that comes, or more appropriately, struts out of the beezy closet (and onto the beezy runway) once in a while. I am doing this at the request of fellow blog contributor Jamie Tan. Warning: The following may or may not be completely fabricated.

Natasha came into existence at the first IV-CCF MOC Meeting of Fall 2009. As leaders sat around coming up with their pseudonyms, like a beautiful deep red rose she bloomed into existence, proclaiming "provocativeness" as her defining feature. Her past is of a mysterious origin, but it is thought that as a young girl she had the wardrobe of Suri Cruise and the status of Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, in a faraway Eastern European country. Although it seems that Natasha's beeziness is innate in nature, some of it was likely acquired from the Seventeen and later, Cosmo magazines she read growing up (tragically, our heroine lacked advice and attention from her parents). She always had big dreams of haute couture runways in Paris and Milan, but instead settled for the next best thing: joining a Christian fellowship at UC Berkeley. Now she leads a group of mini-beezies-in-training, only surpassed in beeziness by her co-leader and the beeziest of beezies, The Big Show. Together Natasha and The Big Show run one of the beeziest small groups in CCF history, setting solid examples by posing for no apparent reason and autographing personalized T-shirts (respectively).

P.S. Name guidelines: Natasha will suffice for the most part, but she will let you call her Nata if you know her a bit better. Tasha/Nat are not preferred, as they are too "wholesome" for her image. Do not be mistaken; these are serious rules.

More to come on Na-ta-sha in the future. ;)

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