Thursday, January 28, 2010

Epistemology of the Term,

by Jamie Tan
University of California, Berkeley

beezy [bee-zee]
noun, verb, beezying, beezied, adjective, beezier, beeziest, emoticon, ^.^

1. one whom is to be contended with: Professor Ananya Roy, Professor Ananya Roy's accent, Professor Ananya Roy's speeches
2. one whose presence is to be known: "The party don't start 'til I walk in." - Ke$ha
3. one whose attitude cannot help but be exerted: "I can't help it if I'm cute..." - Anonymous
4. one whom is fabulous: Michelle Obama's wardrobe is an outward expression of her inward fabulosity
5. the positive and empowering reclamation of the word "Bit**"

1. attitude manifested in action: "She's beezying me up with that beezy look she's giving me."

1. attitude manifested in....stuff: "That necklace/outfit/etc is so beezy."

1. the beezy face: ^.^


...featuring IV's Class of 2010!

1. Out & Proud Beezies (otherwise known as, "Beezies")
O&P Beezies have attitude, intimidate people, and aren't afraid to wield their opinions. Being a beez is an essential part of their character...and you'll learn to love them for it. ^.^

Female: Jamie Tan, Valerie Lu, Vicky Nguyen (I'm a beezy, therefore I'm putting my name first)
Male: Kenny Yu, Sean Jeong

2. Closet Beezies
Closet beezies' beeziness is more subtle, you don't experience the full beeziness until you get to know them. Often times the beeziness of Closet Beezies can be more powerful than the beeziness of the O&P beezy.

Female: Olivia Lau, Grace "Natasha" Liu
Male: Eric Hwang, Brian Coox

3. Beeziest Beezies of the Beezies
The sheer magnitude of these beezies' beeziness extends far beyond the beeziness of the average beezy. For this reason, there can only be one in each category.

Female: Andrea Mae Wong
Male: Sebastian Jonathan Yip

4. Beezies that don't know they're Beezies
Beezy that doesn't know she's a beezy: Lisa Luoh
Beezy that knows she's a beezy but isn't out: Christine Kuang
Closet beezy that doesn't know he's in the closet: Dan Garcia
Beezy that is out but doesn't know he's out: Mike Cheng

5. Not Beezies.
They're not beezies.

Female: Emily Fu
Male: Tim Collier, Andrew Huang

6. Not really Beezies but not completely not Beezies
They're beezies but...not really. Title measured by exhibition of beeziness too infrequent to be deemed Out & Proud.

Female: Sarah Lin
Male: Josiah Leong

7. BIT's (Beezies-In-Training)
Not Out & Proud, not in the Closet, not not really Beezies but not completely not Beezies...these Beezies are on the brink of Beeziness. We believe in you.

Female: Stephanie Yee
Male: Brian Young, Michael Chen


  1. HAHAHA. There are so many things I love about this post (the labels, for one). Thank you Jamie Tan, for introducing "beezy" into the vernacular of the IV class of 2010.


  2. HAHA, NATASHA!!! can you please write the story of natasha as our 3rd post

  3. AAAHAHAHA this post makes me laugh out loud so much, I think vicky lee is wondering why I am chuckling so much


    not okay with the fact that I am not on your list of beezies.. I want my own category: THE VIETNAMESE BEEZY
