Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Small Group Snippets

It has been a while since the last update. Come on girls, we can't let the beezy blog die!

Tonight during small group, Natasha made a brief appearance (only because she loves small group very much) that I have captured in the following two quotes.

1) Talking about the disproportionate abundance of March birthdays in her small group: "What we need is two events: a joint birthday celebration for everybody, and then one for me."

2) After reclaiming her "throne" a.k.a. the comfortable higher chair at the end of the night: "Yeah, it was so strange to sit so low on the ground with everybody else."

And this is only a snippet of the craziness that happens every Monday night. You can't touch LSSG, yeah-uh.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


by Jamie Tan
University of California, Berkeley
College of This is Really Taken from an Email Yining Sent Me & College of None of My Posts Are Original

..hahahaa david's brother, john, said this with regard to PDA, but i think it applies here. i asked whether too much PDA would make people uncomfortable, and he said
"it's only too much because other people have too little."

i'll let you unpack that statement.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Jelly" 101

by Jamie Tan
University of California, Berkeley
College of Peanut Butter & Jelly


(JK, this post is actually written by my BfFfFFf Christina Nguyen from UCI. I'm just taking credit for it cause this is my blog and I can.)

Jelly is short for the word JEALOUS but with multiple beezy connotations. People who say they are jealous are ACTUALLY jealous and wear their emotions on their sleeves, making them look like they are naturally insecure and have problems which is totally not acceptable if you are a beezy. Therefore, it is better to say "jelly" to make it sound like you're not THAT jealous when really, the truth is that you're secretly seething with envy inside. Furthermore, the word "jelly" can be inserted into phrases that make it appear (because appearances are SO important) that you are joking but not really.

Example: "Wow, I am eating a peanut butter and JELLY sandwich right now."

Usually this phrase can be found beneath another beezy's facebook profile picture such as this one:

(Yes, that is Xtina in the hat and that is me in the red coat. Of course I was not really exhibiting envy, it was all for the purposes of this blog....even though this was taken a year before this blog was created. - Jamie)

Or a look-at-me-I-had-so-much-fun-traveling facebook album such as Julie's "Hawaii" album.

To many people, it would appear that you are making a simple statement about food, but a true beezy will be able to pick up on the underlying meaning that you are in fact being force fed scoops of insecurity and jealousy by another beezy. If the reader of your comment is gifted with beezy intuition, he/she/beezy will realize that you are passively challenging their beeziness, in which case they will most likely respond with the following comment:

"Good, I hope your peanut butter and jelly sandwich tastes amazing!"

Be careful! They do not really think you are eating a sandwich, nor do they believe that your sandwich tastes good. They are openly mocking the fact that their beeziness surpasses yours, and their true intention is to rub it in your face but in a way that frees them from being called out as a bad friend. At this point, you either fold and count your losses or continue by putting up a better facebook profile picture than theirs until one or both of you verbally begin attacking the other person through text message or gchat. Whoever initiates the non-passive aggressive onslaught of beeziness first loses.

Side note: All uses of the word "jelly" must be done via internet to enhance the double meanings and passive aggressiveness. If you were to say the phrase "I am eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich" in person, you are automatically a loser because 1. you CLEARLY are not eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and 2. you are not being passive in any way, which defeats the purpose for using the word "jelly" all together.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the O.B. (Original Beezy) aka ME at any time ;)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Mark of a true closet beezy:

OOlivia: haha, i jaywalked across college right in front of a police car
and i saw him pull up i guess to give me a ticket
and i ran into my apt, and watched him drive away

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

[Her Royal Beeziness enters.]

Grace Liu
how come you took down your post in the beezy blog?
Valerie Lu
oh because
i decided
i didnt think it was a good enough opening act for this beezilicious blog.

[Her Royal Beeziness exits with appropriate fanfare, ladies-in-waiting, and miniature beezy dogs trailing behind.]

Beezies of the Insect World

Yesterday in my MCB class about animal behavior, the professor talked about pheromones (chemical signals released by a member of a species to trigger an innate response in another). One example that stuck out to me was about the Queen Mandibular Pheromone (QMP), which is secreted by the queen bee of a bee hive. Now everyone knows being classified as a "queen bee" is beezy enough, but look at the effect QMP has on worker bees:

Causes workers to rear brood, forage for food, build comb, suppresses rearing of the new queen, ovaries of workers

So basically, not only does the queen get every one of her bee-needs and bee-comforts catered to, she emits something that sterilizes/destroys the ovaries/shuts down the babymaker of OTHER FEMALE BEES! This ensures her status in the social structure of the hive. The professor called this a sophisticated form of power control (in my notes, I almost wrote "birth control"). I would call this an ultimate example of beeziness given to us by Mother Nature.

New inspiration for how Natasha will run her small group? HAHA just kidding.

Until next time...Your loyal Queen B,


Edited to add:

Val: LOL


your alter ego is really getting to you